Officials Corner:

Important Numbers:

CNR Hotline: (314) 343-9827 -- First contact if you will be late for your assignment

Dave Sweet: (314) 403-3282 -- Contact for game assignments

Bill Reitz: (314) 221-0087 -- Contact for Officials Fees.  (Please call after 5:30PM on weekdays)

2019 Fall CNR League Rules
CNR 2019 Fall Rules.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [293.2 KB]

CNR Game Schedule February 29 & March 1, 2020

CNR Game Schedule February 29 and March 1, 2020
2020 cnr weekly schedule.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [39.6 KB]


·         Here is a Sample Technical Update - Adding ASSIGNR Calender

·    This a recent Technical Update sent to SLOA members but should be valuable to all STLSTRIPESLLC Officials outlining adding ASSIGNR Games to your Calendar or Phone








Now open your Calendar app and the Assignr Calendar should appear in the list of calendars under "subscriptions". Here you can change color (default is orange) and turn on/off alerts. You are Finished!

For Google Master (like the diagram below) instead add this calendar to your google Master calendar (or Desktop Ical). repeat the login: 

From the main menu 
Select=> Games, 
Then=> My Games
Then=> Personal iCalender, a drop down appears
Then=> Subscribe (A subscription menu appears) before you subscribe or cancel, COPY THE URL. Then Subscribe in you wish or cancel.

Now open your Google account, and open your calendar. From your Master Calendar

Select Other Calendars Down Arrow Button, and "Add by URL

Now paste the URL you copied into the box and click Add Calendar. Your future games should show and you are Done.

Next: Export/Import Arbiter Games! Dave F.






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